There are six children, named Isabelle who is 9. Jack who is 7. Cruz who is 7 also. Eva who is 5. Anya who is 5 to. Goegio who is 2. They live on a bus. One day Isabelle went to the store to by some bread. When she saw a butterfly. She fallowed the butterfly. It lead to a cottege in the forest. She nodest it had a lady bug on the butterfly back. She held the butterfly in her hand and it disapered. Infront of her was her mother who had ben on a spell. Isabelle’s mom said to do it to the ladybug. The ladybug ternd to my father and we went to the bus and I told my brothers and sisters who they where.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The Six Children By Isabelle
There are six children, named Isabelle who is 9. Jack who is 7. Cruz who is 7 also. Eva who is 5. Anya who is 5 to. Goegio who is 2. They live on a bus. One day Isabelle went to the store to by some bread. When she saw a butterfly. She fallowed the butterfly. It lead to a cottege in the forest. She nodest it had a lady bug on the butterfly back. She held the butterfly in her hand and it disapered. Infront of her was her mother who had ben on a spell. Isabelle’s mom said to do it to the ladybug. The ladybug ternd to my father and we went to the bus and I told my brothers and sisters who they where.
What a Good Year!! by Anna
What a good year!
By Anna
This year was fantastic becuse we had many good thoughts stored in our minds. Think of what we did this year like: The Election and new aditions in entertainment! There are alot of others that I cannot think of but there are plenty of them. So all of the people in the world are prepared for 2013! You cannot imagine how many new things you will see next year! It will be the highlight of the year. So know, make good decitions for the future it will be a great life!!!
Russia by Joseph
by Joseph
Russia is the largest country in the world.Much of it lies north of the artic,close to the north pole. Inthe fromc russia call it the place of the midnight sun.Most middle of the summer it is sunny all day and night.People poeple hunt bear or dear,most people live in a logcabbin
facts capital;moskow languge;russian TOTAL PEOPLE;147,434,000
Russia is the largest country in the world.Much of it lies north of the artic,close to the north pole. Inthe fromc russia call it the place of the midnight sun.Most middle of the summer it is sunny all day and night.People poeple hunt bear or dear,most people live in a logcabbin
By BFF by Davin
I am writing about my bff LYRIC and PARIS and Sarah. I am going to leave my club I am so sorry about this message because I liked Viking Reporters, but I wanted to go to Happy Feet.
Animal Jam by Sarah
There is a game on computers called Animal Jam. It is where you can have friends online without them knowing who you are. It is very safe and fun to play! You can be a member and get super cool items like a lava lamps, a castle for a house, lava flooring and lots more! It is a cool adventure with challanges on the way. On all the challanges you have to find sertain things in a sertain world. A fun suprize is waiting for you because if yuo join now you can get a daily present every day. Also if you join a member in December you can get a gingerbread house and a gingerbread bird house. You can have 2 animals if you are not a member but if you are a member you can get more than 2 animals. It is a fun sensation for you to play your own way. But, there are a set of rules you have to follow. If you do something bad you can be reported by other players so play nice! I hope you can join soon so you can love going to the computer and so you can have a fun time playing the Animal Jam!!!!
The Good and Bad Skiing Experience by Jacie
On November 21 first my family took a trip to New Mexico with my church to go skiing both days after that. It took ten hours of miserable time. Finally we got there! When we got out of the car it was late at night me and my friend did not have a problem with that we stayed up for atleast two hours. After playing in the snow we decided to go to bed cause we were worn out...The next day me and Morgan got out of bed and went to the group room of the lodge. We ate a wonderful breakfeast and we headed to the ski rental shop. When we got to the ski rental shop we got out of the car and went in. It took obout 2 hours to get our ski boots fitted. When we were done we went straight to the ski place me and Morgan were so excited. When we got there we imidietly put our skis on and went straight to the bunny slopes to learn how to ski because Morgans mom Kim already knew. When we got to the bunny slopes we were ready for a great time we learned how to ski an went to the green slope. When we got on the ski lift we were so scared. When we got off the ski lift we were at the top of the hill and i felt realy brave. Morgan said it would be easier to go down on the left side but i did not want to so i was brave and just went straight down. I froze up in the middle of the slope and from what my mom said she saw me and i was going realy fast so she rushed outside but it was too little to late i had already crashed through the fence. turns out Morgan made it safe down but i was on the floor screaming “I THINK MY ARM IS BROKEN”! By then my mom was out there trying to comfort me a lady screamed “DO I NEED TO CALL THE MEDICS”! My mom said yes. When the medics got there they came to me.... After a long time of tests he told me my arm was not broken after all. When my dad got out side he helped me up and when i looked back and on the left side of the slope there was no net that is why Morgan told me it would me easier. Then me and my dad went back to the cabin and took a nap..... The next day we went skiing again after the bunny slope i was ready to try the green slope again. When we got to the top i was still a little frightend but i went down and . After that i was so excited cause i made it down and i went down so much more. That is when i had a great skiing expeirience!
UFO's & Aliens by Connor
UFO means unidentifiabe flying object. An alien is a being from another planet. In Pomapoka, South America there are ruins of something that scientist can’t identify. There are rocks that look like blocks in the shape of an H. Scientists believe that Pomapoka was an alien base in ancient Egyptian times. In the deserts near Roswell, New Mexico, some people believe that there are aliens and that a UFO crashed there. There’s even a museum about aliens.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
How to Decorate a Christmas Tree
Do you know how to decorate a Christmas tree?If you don’t then I can tell you how to make one.First you put up a tree.Next you put some stringlike the fat kind of string.Then you put some ornaments around the tree.Last you put the Christmas lights and there you have a Christmas tree.
Scream 5
A new movie is coming out about a famos killer named GHOST FACE.The movie is called SCREAM 5.His or her victim is named Sidney Prescot.He kills by calling,hiding,than kills.His famos catch frase is”,Whats you`re favorite scary movie. He weres black and a weird mask.It is coming out in 2013.And one more thing.Whats youre favorite scary movie
By and Noah
They’re all so complicated as little dots
they always look so small
i have to squeze a ball
just to see them all
all i do is rot
the preasure is killing me
i think i got stung my bee
my mother says to be calm
so i ate some lip balm
it tasted like earwax
on some beeswax
i guess i’ll never know how
to understand them.
The Election
By Kashif
Well, let’s check what are top news today.Our top news of today is the election. Obama won the election against Romney. Obama won the election with the most votes which was 332 against Romney who had 206. All of the states got to vote,but Florida got to vote late because they didn’t get to vote. Every one is happy about Obama winning the final election, but the big question is ‘Will Obama become the 45th preident of the United States of America?’The election had to be done by 4 campaigns. The good news is that Romney won the first election which was in Tarrant County. Well that’s our news for today.Have a happy Wednesday.
The Election
Well, let’s check what are top news today.Our top news of today is the election. Obama won the election against Romney. Obama won the election with the most votes which was 332 against Romney who had 206. All of the states got to vote,but Florida got to vote late because they didn’t get to vote. Every one is happy about Obama winning the final election, but the big question is ‘Will Obama become the 45th preident of the United States of America?’The election had to be done by 4 campaigns. The good news is that Romney won the first election which was in Tarrant County. Well that’s our news for today.Have a happy Wednesday.
Angel Tree Needs You!
By Sarah
It is winter time!!! The year is about to end. I hope you
have time to help the anglels on the angel tree!! Some kids need cloths and toys for Christmas. I got one angel that was 11 years old and she needed so much clothes because her parents cannot pay the kind of money that is needed for the clothes. So please, please, please help out a angel at the nearest angel tree at the mall! They need you!!!!
Killer Burrito
by Joseph
Once opon a time there was a mad scintis. He made hair growth formula. He swalloed it a couple days in the lab. He became a hairy giant monster who wanted to destroy mankind. They let out the magic hamburger team. The solders, spys and the crimnal. They almost lost when the monster ate their sub tank.They thought that was the end. But then the crimnal jumped out and ate the monster burito.But he turned evil they destroyed him. The monster burito had three sons and they drunk it to so they turned evil to.The whole thing started over.but the hamburger squad won.
Once opon a time there was a mad scintis. He made hair growth formula. He swalloed it a couple days in the lab. He became a hairy giant monster who wanted to destroy mankind. They let out the magic hamburger team. The solders, spys and the crimnal. They almost lost when the monster ate their sub tank.They thought that was the end. But then the crimnal jumped out and ate the monster burito.But he turned evil they destroyed him. The monster burito had three sons and they drunk it to so they turned evil to.The whole thing started over.but the hamburger squad won.
Toys for Tots

Dear Vikings,
Our school is having the Toys for Tots drive.The Toys for Tots is when you donate toys for kids who don’t have any for example if a childs parent can’t afford it so our school will help them we will also be helping SANTA. My school does the toys for tots drive every single year we male the kids who don’t have toys happy and have a big smile on their face. Also our school is competing against other Mansfield Schools to see who donates the most toys. You should bring a toy that you have to donate to the kids. The toy dosen’t have to be new it can be a toy that you already used it can be new to be special. SO GO DONATE A TOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Tooth Fairy
My Tooth Fairy
By Isabelle
My first tooth came out when I was seven. I was so exided. The next day I fond card under my
pilo. I read it. It said, first tooth wow I can tell you brushed how pretty it is when you get anether I will do it over and over ogein. your tooth fairy.
I was so exsided I used my money to buy a radio and some seedies.
How to Decorate a Christmas Tree
How to Decorate a Christmas Tree
by Davin
How to decorate a CHRISTMAS tree is to get a tree and get some ornaments and a star for the top of the tree. Get the tree and get two ornaments and put it on the tree. Get other ornaments.So if you have any more ornaments put them on.the last thing you have to do is put on the star.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Comanche Tribe by Jacie
In the fourth grade class room of Mrs.Ward we learned about the indians that lived in Texas. The one I like the best is the Camanche tribe. The Camanche tribe lived in the Great Plains. They were a very agressive tribe. When the white settlers came to there teritory they came to were they lived and kidnapped adults and children. The children were normaly adopted into there tribe. During the Gold Rush more and more settlers came to live in the Great Plains. After the Camanche tribe had kidnapped alot of adults and children they came across an important child they took her they burned off her nose and shaved her head. When the Camanche tribe wanted to come to peace with th whites they brought back all the adults and children. When the whites saw the girl they did not come to peace with the tribe instead they fought. After that the camanche tribe either moved from the Great Plains or died from the diseases the settlers brought with them.
My Story is About Fashion by Katherine
By: Katherine
This is a different kind of shoe
This is a very different kind of shoe and they are purple shoes.I think they are high heals but I don’t know if they are high heals.I wish I could see that shoe in real life but I can’t because I don’t go to the store with my mom or my dad.
This is what it looks like in a dress
ConBoots by Sarah
Did you know that there is a new kind of boots at Justice? There is and they are called ConBoots. They are boots that have belt buckels just 4 or 5 inches above your ankle. They can be any color that you want, it can pink, blue and lots more! They are everywhere, I see them on my 4 besties (best friend-bestie). I love to see them because they really, truthly, super cute! I hope you can get them because they are popular around Fallish and Winterish. And guess what ... it is Fallish and Winterish right now (November). My personal favorite color is blue because the color of my eyes are blue and because blue is my favorite color.So come and buy them and wear them good!
New Texas Sky Screamer by Leo
At Six Flags Over Texas,there is going to be a new ride. It will be called the New Texas Sky Screamer. It will open in 2013.The hight of this new ride will be 400 feet. It is going to be the biggest swing ride in the World. The bad thing about it is that they took down one of Six Flag`s first ride. It was called The Texas Shute Out. Another bad thing about it is that it might get stuck in midair for about four hours. It is also bigger than my favorite ride called the Titan. But I bet it will be real fun to ride in one more year.
Taken 2
Taken 2
by Joseph
Taken 2 is the best movie in the is about a man that has this family.that protect each other from a man named cratco. it is a best seeing moovie ever he protecs himself whith whepins and other is the best action moovie ever. In this version the duagter is trying to save the parents.The dad has to try to teach the duaghter how to use a gun and grenade
PS3 by Davin
by Davin
When I was little I had a PS3 and some other games like Wii and simliar too ther games. If you get one of the games try to keep it alive.
Do not let it die.
When I was little I had a PS3 and some other games like Wii and simliar too ther games. If you get one of the games try to keep it alive.
Do not let it die.
Christmas by Anna
By: Anna
Christmas is here so get your festive on! I for one love to celebrate the holidays. I get a real tree every year. You can to if you go to right place. I suggest you go to the home depot or the Christmas shop. You can get ornaments at the same places. If you are lucky, you might have a group of carolers come to your front door and sing. You can arrange people to come for a feast! There are so many different things you can do on Christmas day or eve but the real reason we celebrate the holiday is because of the Lords birth. So think of what you are going to do this Christmas!
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