By Huy

If you never played this game of Terraria its like minecraft,but 2D looking and way better more bosses,ores,cool weapons,and BLOCKS! You're gonna spawn out don’t know what to do. Just chop some wood down and make a crafting bench bulid some swords and stuff,Then you want to go mining for gold and iron or Tungsten Get as much as possible.Build Houses for NPCS. (Non Player Character) After you got some ores then make like a bow or sword to take down the eye of cthulhu whatever its called.Once you taken him down get the Demonite or Crimtan. (Crimtan is the best) Take this guy down to get some weapons.want better armour well take down the brain of cthulhu and eater of worlds.Tip for taking down the brain make wood platforms to move and make a campfire, then use any ranged or magic weapons and your fine. for example use the Crimson Rod (magic) and use shurikens. (ranged) Tips for eater of worlds use an Axe or something you will do at least 20 DPS. (Damage Per Seconds) After that you can go get These will help you for accessories.Get Spectre Boots and Cobalt Shield and anything you want.Now go to the Nether or Underworld by digging straight down and go mine Underworld Stones You’ll Need at least 300 of it. Smelt it by using a furnace a Underworld Furnace you can find. Make it by using Obsidian and The stone.Make the Phoenix Blaster and the fiery greatsword.You can make the nights edge THE BEST WEAPON BEFORE HARRRRDDMODE!!!!!!!!!!! Make it by using the crimson sword,fiery greatsword,Blade o Grass,and Muramasa. Go Get Guide Voodoo Dolls to fight the Wall of Flesh he’s pretty easy if you make a bridge and use your phoenix blaster.Then he will drop the PwN Hammer to smash alters to get ores.Heres the ores you can get. Cobalt,Mytherll,Admantite,Palladium,Orichalchum,and Titanium.Make a Cobalt Pick and mine those ores.Once you have full Admantite to fight the Destroyer. Kill him a couple times and make full Hallow Armour and Make a Mega Shark for the Skeltron Prime Kill that guy a couple times and fight the twins.Once you killed all of them make The Pickaxe axe. Now you can mine Chlorophte ore and mine like 500 of that and you’re gonna farm for turtle shells dropped by a turtle.Make the Full set of turtle armour for fighting Plantera. Kill him go to the lizard temple to fight golem pretty easy huh?After that go to the dungeon to farm for Souls to make one of the best mage armour for the Spectre Armour Heals you when you use Magic weapons. Get some magic weapons to fight Duke Fishron farm him out and get the Flairon or the Bubble gun. Then use the bubble gun to fight the Pumpkin moon do it like multiple times till you get the bat scepter and horsemen blade. Then fight the frost moon for the blizard staff and north pole. Find Out More on the Wiki.