Have you ever played a racing game before? A racing game is where you compete in compatitions.Be careful. There could be fast cars.Maybe faster cars than yours. They could cut you of or crash in to you. You can upgrade and paint your car.You can also put decals on your car. You can challenge racers by driving up to them and hitting the X button. You can enter races by going up to the challenge and pressing X.You can even race a plain! See.When you have enough cr you can buy a car. You simply go to your map. Then you hover over the wrench symbol. Then you hit A. A green line will appear on your map. then hit B. Then you can drive to your destination. I about this fun game.
Friday, March 6, 2015
FORZA Horizon
WARNING:Creepy and scary
Slenderman is a myth thats been pasted around on youtube.People say they saw him but they never did.Then they made a game about him wich is pretty scary.People say slenderman lives in the woods and there is 8 pages on trees and car and stuff.And after that they made a movie about him.And in the beggining it werid if you havent seen the begining listen to this.There was a dad and a kid who lived by the forrest.And one day they decided to play baseball by the woods in the back yard.The dad threw the ball in the woods then the kid went in the woods to get it.And then the kid never came back.Thats the begging now thats creepy.And rember this HES NOT REAL!!! I hoped you liked the MYTH.
Minecraft (easy game)
Minecraft is a easy game first thing is easy punch wood like a lumber jack or like from the Hobbit you burn it. you can mine the best ores like diamonds use a iron pickaxe.This Game was Released on December 2009 for beta. If you don’t like singleplayer just play on Multipalyer and you can do some PvP or Player Vs Player. you could bulid with any blocks in the game. Bosses that i don’t know fight the wither,enderdragon,and a sea boss. Ores:Coal, Iron, Redstone,and Diamonds. TNT THE BEST TROLOLLLOLOLOL THING EVERR!!! LIKE EXPLODE PEOPLE. If you played this game for like 35 Years or something you might get bored and download mods.To download Mods first go on a website called www.skydaz.com thats the perfect mod installer. Follow the directons and DONE! Hope liked it :D
The Amazing World Of Gumball is a silly cartoon show on CARTOON NETWORK it was first shown in 2013 and somehow got popular in 2014 with over 1,000,000 kids watching
it became popular season one was spectacular full of silly adventures of the two main
characters, Gumball and Darwin and side characters like his dad Richard his mom Nicole and his little sister Anies the first season was called to be the most longest season on CARTOON NETWORK it took one year to complete season one but most think it’s a myth but
still totally amazing season two or three is being in action right now an episode I suggest
is THE SAFETY probably because it is the most funniest so far in this new season.
An average episode is around 13 minutes or 20 minutes special episodes are sometimes
30 minutes long (with a break after the first 20 minutes) commercial times are usually
happen in a equal half but that's it really.
POKEMON is the most awesome thing in the whole world.

Ganger is my strogest pokemon i have.He always beat the other opponent.As munch as i like herocross. HEARCROSS VERY good at stuff.C2 hero boss ps good.love him favorite pokemon.
there you go I love Hearacross .Heracross is very strong. l
I love fire types.... Your frend ADRIAN.
Do you believe? If you're a fan of Minecraft, then you should check out the Herobrine mod! He is a spirit of Steve, the original skin of Minecraft boy.He has white eyes and don’t get confused with your buddies! If you're in survival mode you need to be careful for him because he causes A LOT of damage! Trust me, I tried it before!
Things you SHOULDN’T do with Herbroine:
- Never fight without armor or weapon
- Always have 10 or more pieces of cooked chicken in storage (or any type of good food)
- When fighting always run so its harder for him to hit you
- At Least have a couple Swiftness potions
If he is with you while you're fighting the Ender Dragon, leave it to the dragon because they are enemies and will fight. Stay away from them and they will focus on fighting. If you get too close they will attack you and then you won’t be able to see the fight! When they are done, for what I experienced, Herobrine will die, but he will leave a deadly present. For example:
- Herobrine villagers
- Possesed animals
- All the food you eat will have poison for 5 minutes
- Weapons will weaken 2 levels(also for 5 minutes)
- Bad luck
Herobrine in my opinion is stronger than the Wither. I think he has more powers and more health.
He is better at strategies and I think he has almost every power you can think of! I think i've gone a little over the top... :3
The tale of Herobrine:
There once was a boy who was brailess it seemed. He never thought about what he did. He is now named Herobrine, but his real name was Brian. His brother Steve was created and Brian was deleted. Then one day he decided to mess around and he was stupid enough to dig straight down. His pickaxe died when he got to the 10th block. He was stranded and died of hunger. Then, the disaster... It turns out that the last block he broke was a spirit capturer. His spirit was captured and then Steve showed up. Steve was smart and he made a staircase instead of mining straight down. He then met the his brother Brian. He saw Brians spirit and then he accidentally broke the capturer. Then Brian was released. Steve didnt ever meet Brian in person so Steve called him Herobrine. Then the Herobrine totem was made by Steve. Steve had felt bad for his brother and decided to worship him. The totem is shown below: l l l l l l l
Brian became more powerful than ever. To this day, he is still trying to find and kill his brother.
Hes at the top hiding through the tree. Above the vines on the stone. See him?
By: Julio Perez
Baseball is a great sport, it s my favorite sport. Every thing about Baseball is that you try your best and have fun.And also makes it a better sport.So when you go to high school, you have to pass your grades. If you don't pass you don't play any sports. So when you play Baseball you need a position to play. The hardest position to play is third base because people are right handers and that means that they hit the ball to third base. When its three strikes you're out. And when you are in the field you need three out and its your turn to bat.And when you are a baseball player, you have to play every day. And each week, you get a day off. If you get arguements in Baseball You can get out or suspended.
By: Gracian
Have you ever been to A.S.I Gymnastics? I go there every Monday and it is a very fun place to do flips, back rolls, front rolls, jumping,and tricks with your body. First when you go,you do stretches and other stuff to build muscles and stronger bones. I love the place,so ask your parents and if you are given a chance take it we also have a lot of coaches there too. There is an upstairs the parents wait there, but other parents wait on the bleachers. We have a bell that we ring when ever we learn something and we are very good at it we ring the bell. We have parent night outs and we watch movies! That`s all we do at A.S.I Gymnastics if you want to join, go ask your parents to go to A.S.I Gymnastics.com!
V.I.P Ducks
V.I.P ducks are awesome ducks.There is a:
- Captain America
- Mario
- Zombie
- Pitbull
- Katy Perry
- and more!
How To Take Care Of A Lost, Bought Or Stranded Kitten.
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