Did you know Charlotte Anderson has important rules?We,students have to follow them every day.Some of them are No bullying,be prepared for class and be respectful.
Being respectful is when someone is being kind to you.A way you can be kind is by using good manner’s.Like saying please and thank you.Anthoer expmple is that you lend them a pencil if theirs breaks.The last expmple is do not inturpetuped the teacher when he/she is talking or giving insturcions.
Being prepared for class is when you have everything you need.One example is having your pencil sharpend beacuse if you do you will not be beghind in class.Another example is by paying attion to the teacher while he/she is talking or giving insurcans,beacuse then if you don’t you won’t know what to do.Finaly,by having your planer sighend by your mam or dad makes them aware of what you are doing in school.If you get a sigh by the teacher then they can help you to not do it again.
Bullying is when someone is being mean to you or to someone else.An example is by saying mean things.This can hurt someone’s fellings.Another is by hitting someone.Witch is being a Physical bully.This can cause them to get a injury.Finlay,a blackmail.A blackmail can cause for a person not to want to come to school and won’t feal safe.As you can see, these rules are veary imortant.That is why you should flow these imortant rules by being respectful,being perpard for class and not to bully.If we didn’t have rules everyone would be out of control and it would cause chaos and no one will be able to learn.
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